Epic First Date : Part Two

We left the patio restaurant and decided to take a walk and sit at the pier in Bayfield to watch the sunset. Of course sitting on a pier and watching the sunset without a fizzy beverage of some sort just didn't seem like as much fun, so we headed to the LCBO to buy some coolers. I had the brain wave to disguise our drinks in some Subway cups (it was a long weekend after all and needed to disguise these alcoholic beverages!) and my date was very impressed with my skills of heading into the Subway and sweet talking the kid working into letting me have a couple cups with ice.
We brought the beach blanket to the end of the pier and just sat and talked and people watched. It was an interesting night for people watching! We got quite the laugh when someone pulled a bike out of the water...It seems as though when kids outgrow their bikes in Bayfield and have no one to pass it down to, they bike off the pier and leave them for someone else to find. A kid literally left the pier that day with a new bike to enjoy for the rest of the summer! We downed a couple coolers and the conversation didn't stop. I kept waiting for him to make a bit of a move. Hold my hand or go in for a kiss but it didn't happen and I was questioning if he liked me and I already knew I definitely liked him!
The sunset was half covered by clouds, but I remember feeling that it was magical. It could have been the laughter and activity surrounding us with the vacationing people. It could have been the couple of coolers we drank. It could have been my gut telling me that I was sitting with someone that I wanted to spend a lot more time sitting with in the future.
After the sunset, we set out to find some live music and found a cute pub with a band playing. I was in heaven with the Blue Jays game on the big screen, the live music in the background, the cold drink in front of me and the guy beside me. I heard a big knock on the window and saw some waves and into the bar came an excited and smiling group of people....it was the people from the patio restaurant that we chatted with. They were so excited to see us hours later, still having fun on our first date! They ordered a round of tequila shots to toast this successful date. It was around this time that he went in for a kiss. It was sweet and quick and I could tell he was nervous. We took a walk to a nearby park and sat under a tree to light some sparklers that were in his truck, leftover from the May long weekend. Let me say that again. We sat under a tree and lit sparklers. It was cinematic. The whole evening was unlike anything I had experienced in the past. I felt like I was in one of those movies that are entirely focused over a 24 hour period.
We ended the night at this little take out restaurant that turned into a makeshift nightclub after hours. We were both tired but we were having fun, watching our drunk friends dance. The girl in their group, Anna, was a cute little blond in her early to mid 40s. She kept telling me that it was such an honour to watch the two of us on this first date and that she could tell it was really something special. Her husband kept fist pumping us and telling us that we were his favourite couple. We got some good laughs out of hanging out with these guys and we are still on a mission to find them someday and hang out again!
It was well into the middle of the night when we got back to his apartment and I was not in any condition to drive. Normally I don't make a habit of sleepovers on first dates, but he was a total gentleman the whole night. The next morning I was quick to get up and start gathering my things because I didn't want to be the "girl that lingers" after the first date sleepover. Instead of letting me get going, I was greeted with a morning hug and a "you can't go without some breakfast first...." so out for breakfast we went. We sat on a patio overlooking Lake Huron and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. We did not run out of things to say the entire time we were together. After breakfast, we went back to his place and once again I started to gather my things....I wasn't necessarily in a rush to leave, but I didn't want to give that "Stage 5 Clinger" impression. "Do you want to go to the beach again?" he asked me. I guess he wasn't in a rush for me to leave either. We lounged around for a bit and then headed to the beach, this time with his puppy. The next few hours at the beach flew by, talking, laughing. I found myself looking at him a few times and thinking how cute he is. And how funny he is and how comfortable I was around him.
We started talking about dinner and made the decision to hit the grocery store to buy some stuff to make at his place. I desperately needed a shower at this point and after grocery shopping, I showered and changed into a t-shirt and beach sarong I had in my bag. It wasn't exactly the kind of outfit I would have chosen to wear but it was clean and comfortable and he told me I looked like a cute beach bum. We ate dinner and watched a movie and time marched on again into the night and I was invited to sleep over once again. We had picked up a toothbrush at the grocery store for me to give my mouth a proper little cleaning and he said that I could keep it at his place. If you are a girl reading this, you know that a dude offering you a spot for your toothbrush is a big deal!
He had to get up early for work the next morning and I hit the road to go on a little road trip with my Mom. I had this date to tell her about, so that would make our drive go by fast. We both made comments about how we should maybe count this as a couple dates since it lasted pretty much the length of the weekend...after some sweet goodbyes we got in our vehicles, him heading to work and me heading home. Just a few minutes later I got a sweet text from him thanking me for the amazing time and that he was thinking about me and that he "kinda" missed me. ;)
That is the play by play of my epic first date. And it has been an epic month of dating each other since. I laugh about my first interaction with his puppy, stepping on her little paws and the yelp from her and as I am typing this, she is sleeping soundly beside me as my new little best friend. She likes me almost as much as her Daddy does!

Writing an "About Me" is not easy. How do I pick and choose the pieces of my life that molded me into the person I am or deem the milestones and memories as important enough to tell you about in this little "About Me"...Well, I often joke that I have Read more about me...
-- Sara Woods
-- Candace
P.S He is so cute!!
-- Mary Lou
-- Shawn
-- Jenn
-- Alexandra DesRoches